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Officer Jeff Hooks wants you to know he thinks Black Lives Matter Sucks and refers to black woman as nappy

So I am going to keep this extremely short and to the point because pictures are worth 1000 words. This is Officer Jeff Hooks of Iowa. He is an active law enforcement employee. He took to the Law Officer facebook page on Friday July 8th.  He had some very strong words for Black Lives Matter including comparing them to the KKK... 

I say enough is enough!  We cannot stand by any longer and allow these people to think they can say whatever they want to whoever they want about Black Lives Matter and the slaughter of people of all races when it's not justified.  I do not agree we should be killing police and I am totally against idiots attacking a movement trying to find a solution.  If so many white people are being murdered by police then WHY are they not protesting right with us. ( Shout out to the white people standing with the movement!)  But let's keep it real! It is not the same and if it is happening then they better stop going against us and join in and say no more unjustified killings and No more BAD COPS!!! 

Take a look at Jeff Hooks comments below via Jessica Walker (Thanks for the tip) 


There you go! However you want to perceive it please do so. I am just reporting facts. (He has since deleted his comments about BLM being worst then the KKK but I saved these).