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C Ball - Thug Bitch | @Official_Cball

C. Ball breaks free from criminal past and
launches into future with new music
AUGUSTA, GA – Growing up in South Augusta, Georgia, Christopher J Brown never really fit in atschool. Academics were tough for him – so much so that he dropped out of school in ninth grade. With a passion for music and a need to land a job, he ventured into the streets and became part of a lifestyle that would eventually land him in federal prison on drug and weapons charges. His 78 months in prison were awful, but it was during that time that he connected with people who would eventually go on to help catapult his music career.
Tired of a life spent in and out of jail, Brown re-labeled himself as C. Ball and started an independent label called Street Kurrency. He partnered with another musician, Allen “Big A” Gardner, who together released their first project. It was such a positive experience that C. Ball continues to live through his music to this day and considers it the one thing that saves him from falling back into a negative lifestyle.
“I did federal prison, I did drugs and I did all those bad things,” C. Ball said. “A lot of things I rap about are a reflection of that lifestyle. I usually bounce between trap rap and more emo rap. And at the end of the day you’re just going to get a real person with a lot of real music. In fact, the closing track on my new project is called ‘Real Me,’ and it’s basically a real story about my life.”
The project he’s referring to is a mixtape called “Pints N Vacuum Seals.” It’s a project that C. Ball said highlights street and trap rap through a variety of sounds that will give “a little something for everyone.” Some songs are created ready for the club, while others are more laid back. Hoping to aspire to some of his favorite artists – such as Jay Z, TI and Kendrick Lamar – C.Ball said the project shows off his diversity while honing in on a sound that is distinctly Southern. His songs bring deep emotion born from whatever vibe he’s feeling when he first discovers the beat. He then pulls from his life stories to create songs that he said people all over the world will be able to connect with.
“It’s just me being a stand-up guy through my music,” he said. “I’m humble, and at the end of the day I want my music to just be a reflection of a genuine individual. I was born from the street, and Street Kurrency is a term I use to describe that desire to want to make something more legit for my future.”

To listen to C. Ball’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit:
“Pints N Vacuum Seals”