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Cain - Money High (Prod by Nova) | @Its_Cain_337

Cain rises from the ashes of poor decisions, ready to leave
a legacy on the world of hip-hop

DERIDDER, LA – Thomas Garris was not your average 5-year- old. While others his age were running around outside, playing games, Garris was in his bedroom playing hip-hop tapes over and over again and writing out their lyrics in his notebook. The tapes belonged to his older step-brother, and he took them in an attempt to connect with his brother and understand better the music he always listened to. In his 5-year- old, innocent mind, re-writing the lyrics would help him begin to understand what some of those big words meant. Besides, his brother’s music was different and captivating and he found himself loving the syncopated rhythms and the way words painted such vivid pictures.

It was a practice that he would continue well into his teenage years. But what started as an innocent endeavor to connect with an older brother grew to become an obsession with making himself the best musician he could possibly be. And to do that, he knew he had to study the greats. The more he wrote out lyrics into his notebook – oftentimes late hours into the night – the more he understood the emotion behind the words, and the more his own life began to make sense. He could relate to what they were saying, and oftentimes these artists he revered were  expressing things exactly how he felt. Because of this, Garris was able to master his craft at a young age. By age 20 he was making waves across the country as the artist known as Cain. He was one of the few white rappers in the country, and his fan-base was growing. He was on a roll … and then he hit a snag that would derail him for the better part of the last decade.

“My senior year of high school is when my mother passed away,” Cain said. “Then three days later my father figure – my ‘Pawpaw’ – also died. And one year after my graduation my house burned down. And that’s what lit a fire under my ass to fly across the country and tear up every showcase I could find. When I was traveling around the country, I was in Louisiana and I got a call that my life-long friend and rap brother, J.P Squab, was murdered. And then a few weeks after that I was invited to a showcase for my favorite rappers in New York City, along with some execs from a record label and a famous DJ, and my CD was sabotaged in the middle of the performance. Me and my team rushed to the DJ booth and a brawl began, and we were all thrown out by security. I almost let that experience crush my dreams. I stepped away for nearly seven years.”

During those seven years, Cain spiraled to some dark places and  eventually found himself in jail for a short stint. But he has come out the other side and is now father to 3-year- old twin girls and ready to revive his dream of becoming a nationally recognized hip-hop artist. And he’s announcing himself to the world with his newest single, “Money High.” The single is produced by Cain’s protégé and younger cousin, Nova.

“I just got out of jail last May, I’ve had separation between me and my significant others, I have twin girls who are 3 … at this point in my life if I want to do a song, what do I want it to have in it?” Cain said. “I knew it needed to have energy so that it would spread quickly and people would want to put it on repeat. But I also knew if it did that, there was a good chance my girls would hear it – and they’re just now starting to talk. So I knew I had to tone down the content and be more aware of what I was saying in this single. To put it more succinctly: I wanted a song that would appeal to everybody. So I’m not talking about getting high or drunk in a club. I’m talking about waking up and being on money high – chasing money and my dreams and doing what it takes to try to get it. I’m trying to turn a negative into a positive. And I’m trying to leave a legacy. That’s the whole reason why I came back. There’s a lot of bullshit coming out in the industry today, and I don’t want my kids growing up and bobbing their heads and not understanding the substance behind what they’re bobbing their heads to. I want my kids to know what their music is talking about and understand the meaning behind it and make informed decisions if that’s what they want spitting out of their mouths. I want to leave a legacy of someone who makes timeless music, who put his heart into, and whose music spoke for itself.”

To listen to Cain’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit:
“Money High”