MidNight - Money | @RealMidNightEnt
Years of waiting pay off for new artist Midnight
with release of single ‘Money’
JACKSONVILLE, FL – Cynthia Frederick has waited a long time to pursue her music dreams.
The 40-year- old rapper from Jacksonville, Florida was a budding young artist in her teenage
years, but after getting married young and having two daughters, she chose to focus on her
family and set her dreams of making it big in the music industry to the side. Today, the adult
daughter may leave home soon to pursue her own career, and Frederick is ready to dive back
into her passion for music. And just as she is reaching back in time to the talent she displayed as
a young girl, she’s also reaching back to the name she was given during one of her first rap
battles in high school.
“I used to battle rap in middle school and high school and one time I was rapping against
another female,” Frederick said.” When she got done, I took my turn. And when I finished, she
said, ‘Oh my gosh! You need to change your name to midnight, because you just come from out
of nowhere and creep up on you.’ She said I’d start off and then all of a sudden, Bam! I’d hit you
from out of nowhere. Ever since then the name Midnight stuck.”
As the artist known as Midnight, Frederick is preparing to release her first single. It’s a song
called “Money” and it features some of her talent as a wordsmith and ability to light up lyrics
laid over the top of a sick beat.
“It’s a song about my love for money,” Midnight said. “It’s a story that I’m telling of growing up
and how all I heard when I was little was my mom talking about loving money. She was about
two things: her kids, and getting money. That’s where the idea for this some came from.”
While Midnight features her strong rap talents on this single, she’s quick to point out that she
has a diverse offering of other talents that listeners can check out on her other music. She can
sing, she writes poetry, and she loves to collaborate with producers to create catchy beats.
She said she hopes new listeners will check out her new single, “Money,” and fall in love with it
so much that they’ll want to hear more from her. She said this is just the beginning of her
resurgence in music, and she’s anxious to grow her fan-base more and more in the weeks and
months to come.
“I waited a long time to pursue my music dreams,” she said. “I have always wanted to do music
since the days when I was raised in the church. My dad was always opposed to me doing rap
music, even though I loved it. But he loved to see me sing in the church. I had to give up my
music because I got pregnant, but my husband told me now that my kids are grown I need to
do something that makes me happy. Music has always been a part of my life. I’m like nothing
without music. And I’m excited to share that passion with other people.”
To listen to Midnight’s music, or to follow her on social media, please visit: