Travis Tillery - Radio Killer | @_travistillery
Travis Tillery brings brash, in-your- face music to the world
with new mixtape ‘Kiss the Rings, Bitch!’
greatest singer/songwriter/producer of all time.
It’s a bold claim, and he knows it. He also knows that if you were to take any one of those
individual things and put him up against others in the world, he might not be able to make that
claim. But when it comes to artists who are a triple threat, Tillery said he thinks he has what it
takes to be known as the best ever.
Listeners can decide for themselves with his new project, “Kiss the Rings, Bitch!” It’s a mixtape
that Tillery has been developing for the better part of a year, and it’s a project that he said
showcases his skills as a singer, songwriter and producer all in one perfect musical offering. He
chose to name the mixtape this because it best captures the attitude he has at the moment,
and it helps him address those who have doubted him or spoken negatively toward him along
the way.
“It’s my message of blocking out all that noise and saying, ‘Fuck you,’ to be frank about it,” he
said. “I can do whatever I want, and I believe my talents are there. When you listen to this
mixtape you will feel the music. I know when I herald myself as the greatest of all time that
might sound cocky, but I’ve been doing music for a long time and I feel very confident in this
project. I may not be the best at any one single thing, but with a combination of those things I
am. I’ve released several projects over the years where I’ve done all three – singing, songwriting
and producing. And I think people know from those projects that my creative aspect sets me
apart. Some of it is the diverse influences I’ve had over the years – from hip-hop to rock to
alternative groups like The Dave Mathews Band or Coldplay. These are sounds that you don’t
normally hear in urban music or hip-hop or R&B. But I go outside the box when it comes to
creating sounds in those genres. I like to expand people’s minds and give a new spin and take
on what’s going on out there. That’s why I say I’m the greatest of all time – there’s not really a
voice out there like mine at the moment, and I’m going to prove it and show it through my
The mixtape features 11 different songs that explore a variety of different topics. Some are
brash and showing off, while others embrace a nice hip-hop beat, and still others are mid-
tempo with a vibe that allows listeners to just bop their heads to it. The first single off the
mixtape is a song called “Radio Killer.” It’s a song that Tillery said deals with the difficult subject
of aggravated harassment by way of telling a story from a moment in his own life. And though it
is one of those brash, in-your- face kinds of songs, Tillery said he hopes people won’t jump to
conclusions without really diving into the music first.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” he said. “Yes, I’m brash and polarizing for some people. But
I’m a musician who pushes the conversation. I’m more progressive and more aware of our First
Amendment Rights, and I want to start a conversation to talk more about where we are with
our art and music, and where it can go. So, yes, as long as it’s not threatening of anyone, I’m
going to be provocative and sometimes graphic.” rings-bitch